The best heart rate monitor for weight loss is going to be one that will help you maximize your workout while rewarding your efforts with the most benefits. If you're going to workout, then by all means you should work out smart!
If you're on a weight loss journey it is vitally important that you monitor your heart rate to make sure you are not working out too intensely. Over-exertion can cause strain best heart rate monitor and even muscle damage. Heart rate monitors keep track of how hard your heart is working during your training and work-out regimens, and help to guard against "over-doing it".
The best heart rate monitors for weight loss are going to have numerous features that will give you the best results from your workouts. These include tracking and reporting your bpm, or beats per minute, and giving you a percentage letting you see how close to its maximum your heart is working. They should also log how many calories you've burned during your workout session. Some let you input your total hours of exercise plus the food you've consumed and they will then calculate your caloric deficit. This enables you to closely monitor your day and, ideally, helps you to lose weight.

Having the best heart monitor is of little value if you don't understand the numbers! An easy way to calculate your proper heart rate is 220 minus your age. But the better monitors will garner other information about your fitness level to personalize the number. Case in point... say if you're 40 years old, using this simple formula, your maximum, or ideal rate would be 180. During your work-out, the monitor informs you (in percent form) exactly where you sit in relation to your maximum rate.
The Polar F11 - Best of the Best?:
One of the best monitors that has received overwhelmingly positive reviews is the Polar F11. This little heart rate monitoring brainiac actually creates a work-out regimen for you that tells you how much, how long, and how hard you should exercise to meet your goals! It is the only monitor in the world that does this and for this reason gets my vote as one of the best, if not the best heart rate monitor for weight loss.
The F11 has actually won several awards for innovation, due to its "Keep U Fit" program. This program enables you to log in your stats, take a fitness test, and the F11 will spit out a report of how fit you are! Then, you decide and tell the F11 what you want to do: improve, maintain, or maximize best heart rate monitor your fitness level. The monitor will then optimize a weekly work-out plan for you, consisting of: number of hours you should exercise, your heart rate intensity levels, and how long you should maintain them. The F11 just may be the best monitor for weight loss and overall training effectiveness on the market right now.
Where Can You Find the Best Heart Rate Monitor for Weight Loss?
There are several stores online selling these monitors. Some are offering free shipping and reduced pricing along with a hassle-free return policy and second-to-none customer service.